Four Treadmill Workouts to Burn Calories and Lose Weight Fast

Four treadmill workouts to burn calories, lose weight, get faster, and improve endurance. Turn the “dreadmill” into an exciting part of the training. I don’t know anyone who loves the idea of getting on a treadmill for half an hour. If any people like that exist, I envy their ability to enjoy running while staring at the seconds ticking by.

While I’d much rather run outside, it’s not always possible due to bad weather or personal safety. Plus, running on a treadmill can help you fast-track specific goals, such as speed — it’s easier to keep up a sprint when a machine dictates your pace.

The treadmill doesn’t have to be so dreadful: The right type of workout can make it fun. Or at least so challenging that you can’t even think about being bored. After you’ve fueled up and completed your warm-up, hit the gym (or your home fitness equipment) with one of these heart rate-elevating, boredom-busting treadmill workouts.

1. Sprint intervals

Four Treadmill Workouts
Four Treadmill Workouts – Sprint Intervals

Sprint workouts completely transform the typical 20 to 30 minutes on a treadmill. So instead of wondering how it’s possible for one minute to feel like 12, you’ll wonder how the workout went by so quickly.

Plus, sprints build your anaerobic capacity (your ability to go all-out for short periods) and, compared to low-intensity, steady-state exercise, burn more fat and build more speed.

Example workout:

  • 30 seconds of running
  • 30 seconds of rest (walk or step off of the treadmill)
  • 45 seconds of running
  • 45 seconds of rest
  • 1 minute of running
  • 1 minute of rest
  • Repeat three to five times for a total of 13 to 23 minutes.

2. Fartlek training

Four Treadmill Workouts – Fartlek Training

I promise I did not make that word up. Fartlek training is a Swedish word that means “speed play.” It blends speed training and endurance training to challenge you on all fronts.

A Fartlek workout forces your body to adapt to various speeds, whereas most exercises focus on just one or two speeds (like the sprint workout described above). Also, a real Fartlek workout consists of continuous running — your recovery intervals should be a light jog followed by a walk or complete rest.

Example workout:

  • Jog (easy effort) for 5 minutes
  • Run (moderate effort) for 2 minutes
  • Sprint (hard effort) 1 minute
  • Jog 1 minute
  • Sprint 1 minute
  • Run 2 minutes
  • Jog 5 minutes
  • Cooldown or repeat

I especially love that Fartlek workouts focus on effort rather than pace, so there’s no pressure to maintain a certain speed for each interval. Some days, even a slow jog feels difficult, while other days, you feel like you can fly, and Fartlek workouts allow for those natural discrepancies without feeling bad about your pace. Running based on how you feel takes away some of the pressure about pacing.

3. Hills and flats

Four Treadmill Workouts
Four Treadmill Workouts – Hills and Flats

Nothing screams “leg burner” like a hill workout. Running — and even walking — up hills has profound fitness benefits. You’ll build strength and power in your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. And you’ll also develop core stability, elevate your heart rate, and increase speed.

Example workout:

  • Warm-up with a brisk walk or light jog for 5 minutes
  • Increase the incline to a challenging level and walk for 3 minutes
  • Lower the incline back to base level and run for 3 minutes
  • Keep repeating — walk the hill for 3, run the flat for 3 — for 24 minutes (four rounds).

If you have experience running hills, you can run both the incline intervals and the flat intervals. Challenge yourself by running the flats at a faster pace. The more you run or walk hills, the easier it will be to run on the flat ground — this is a great tactic to use if you’re training for a flat race. Running and walking on an incline helps to build strength in your legs.

4. Bodyweight HIIT

Four Treadmill Workouts – Bodyweight HIIT

You don’t have to stick to walking or running just because you’re on a treadmill. Spice things up by adding bodyweight movements between your walk/run intervals. Get creative — focus on one muscle group or do a full-body routine. Either way, adding some resistance training to your treadmill workout will help you develop strength and power over just endurance or speed (all four are essential for running).

Therefore, to perform a bodyweight HIIT treadmill workout, pause the run, and execute the bodyweight exercises behind the treadmill. This might take some strategic choice of the treadmill depending on how crowded your gym is, but it’s doable.

Example workout:

  • 3-minute easy jog
  • 1-minute sprint
  • 20 air squats
  • Ten v-ups or sit-ups
  • Five pushups
  • Repeat everything two to four times

In addition, you can increase or decrease the reps of each movement, and the lengths of the running intervals, depending on your fitness level.

I hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have anything you would like to share or any opinions about my website, please speak up. I look forward to your comments, questions, and the sharing of ideas.

Disclaimer: I am not a personal trainer or a healthcare professional. The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and not as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

Related articles:

Tabata Bodyweight Exercises | Work up a Killer Burn

At-Home Workouts for Seniors | Getting Started

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4 thoughts on “Four Treadmill Workouts to Burn Calories and Lose Weight Fast”

  1. Lol, and here I thought my treadmill was just a great clothes dryer. These are things bought with the best of intentions that work much better when you use them. One benefit, I say, to have a treadmill over being outside is indeed the weather. I cannot go out in the sun, so this is great for getting exercise on those days. Plus, having music videos on tv nearby makes it go a lot quicker. I really ought to use it more.

    • Hi Kelly, thanks for stopping by. They do indeed make a good clothesline. But seriously, they are excellent for cardio health and weight loss.

      Kind regards, Robert

  2. You have expanded my knowledge in terms of the benefits of and different kinds of treadmills. I never used them much before, either at home or at the gym, but now I see how much I can gain from them, especially when the weather is not cooperating outside. Also, I enjoy listening to music or watching some sports while exercising. I also like the one with the bodyweight movements to mix things up a bit. Appreciate this information.

    • Hi Joseph, thanks for stopping by sharing your thoughts with us. If you’re interested in learning more, please let me know. I’d be happy to help out.

      Kind regards, Robert


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