The Total Gym XLS Home Gym Plus AbCrunch Bench is a conventional body workout system. It recreates and strengthens how your body executes daily physical activities and stores those functions in your muscle memory. It’s a small home gym and bodyweight training system. It has 80+ exercises for a complete training experience.
The XLS home gym is set up quickly right out of the box and has a durable and stable construction. It can support up to 400 lbs, including body weight and any weight you might hold for extra resistance.
The XLS AbCrunch attachment provides ten additional exercises to strengthen your core muscles. It targets every inch of your abdominals without the discomfort of sit-ups or crunches. The machine also comes with the Total Gym AbCrunch Workout DVD to guide you to a tighter, stronger midline.
Discover how easy it is to get fit and stay in shape with the Total Gym XLS home gym! Endorsed by Chuck Norris & Christie Brinkley, the Total Gym XLS comes complete with a fitness program of workouts and workout tools to take all the guesswork out of getting into shape.